All time classics
Hello people!
It took me a while to come back, let’s blame the lifting of lock down and not my lack of organizing skills. I hope your life is getting back to its normality and managed to meet with your favorite people. It was and still is a strange time, but with the care of everyone it will all eventually be a past.
absence in the blog unfortunately doesn’t equal absence in my record
collection. I have been spending hours browsing record stores online and
buying records. I have even set my alarm clock on a Saturday to get
some Love Record Store day limited albums. Is that normal? But I guess
nothing was normal the past few months.
In this post I am going to show you 3 of my favorite classic albums, hope you enjoy 😊
Favourite songs: Sunday Girl, Heart of Glass, Picture This
There are so many all time classic masterpieces and it's really difficult to choose, but what are the top 3 classic albums that come to your mind? I would love to know! I hope you enjoyed this post and hopefully it won't take another 3 months for the next one.
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